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The hazards of automobile exhaust

More and more cars, more and more exhaust emissions. Our demand for customer service quality is increasing. What are the hazards of customer exhaust. Let's take a look together.

Gasoline is mainly composed of carbon and hydrogen, and during normal combustion, it generates substances such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and excess oxygen. However, due to the presence of other impurities and additives in the fuel, and the inability of the fuel to burn completely, some harmful substances will be discharged by the fuel. Research has shown that the composition of automotive exhaust is very complex, with over 100 types, among which the main pollutants include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides.

Carbon monoxide can hinder blood circulation and oxygen delivery in the human body, affect hematopoietic function, and may trigger diseases such as angina and coronary heart disease. Hydrocarbons can form photochemical smog with strong toxicity and produce carcinogen. Nitrogen oxides are the main substances that produce acid rain, which can cause plants to change from green to brown until widespread death. Nitrogen oxide poisoning can damage people's eyes and lungs.


The exhaust gas generated by leaded gasoline poses greater harm to the human body. Lead is in a particulate state in exhaust gas and diffuses with the wind. After entering the human body, lead is mainly distributed in the liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, and brain, with the highest concentration in the liver and kidneys. A few weeks later, lead is transferred from the above tissues to the bone and deposited in the form of insoluble lead phosphate. Approximately 90% to 95% of lead in the human body is accumulated in bones, with only a small amount present in organs such as the liver and spleen. Lead in bones is generally stable. When calcium is lacking in food or the acid-base balance is disrupted due to infection, trauma, alcohol consumption, or the use of acid-base drugs, lead is transferred from the bones to the bloodstream, causing symptoms of lead poisoning.

The symptoms of lead poisoning are widespread, such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, memory loss, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, anemia, peripheral neuritis, etc. Severe poisoning can cause significant liver damage, including symptoms such as jaundice, liver enlargement, and abnormal liver function.

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